狸 媔 都 牁 以 琓 请 芳 伈 elu.baidu/www.wap0.net?jrgb ······································ 电脑变慢的原因大概如下: 2、开机启动项过多; 3、电脑垃圾过多; 4、应用软件被安装到了C盘; 5、电脑配置低,但是安装了高要求的系统; (2)散热问题。 (3)电脑太卡,是因为电脑里的垃圾缓存,以及恶意插件等原因造成的卡顿~ (4)智能筛选功能帮你把没用的垃圾缓存等划分开,一键清理垃圾.还有清理插件功能, (5)帮你智能的区分开哪些有用,哪些没有,也有介绍标注,可根据自己的电脑情况进行选择性的清理.
该背景音乐是《With a spirit》
歌手: 009 Sound System
填词:Alexander Perls Rousmaniere
谱曲:Alexander Perls Rousmaniere
所属专辑:009 Sound System(同名专辑)
you can be whatever you want when you're high
walk slowly with a spirit by your side
(oh baby)
don't fear if you lose your mind
say how you doing boy I'm feeling fine
when something carries me away
hey hey hey hey....
don't think just take a ride
don't believe that jesus lied
to keep us all so satisfied with a sale
you should know baby
don't feel the thorny nights
never ask for holy rites
don't think that god has died this time
don't stop taking these drugs
cuz' they got you flying forgetting yesterday
maybe it's crazy
but keep getting stoned while you can
(oh baby) in the lord's hands (arms?)
you can be whatever you want when you're high
walk slowly with a spirit by your side
(oh baby)
don't fear if you lose your mind
say how you doing boy I'm feeling fine
when something carries me away
hey hey hey hey....
don't say you know what's right
don't take those alibis
don't hate the other side
when they're right
sure they are baby
don't wave your flag up high
don't praise your concubines
did you just fall for lies this time
don't stop taking these drugs
cuz' they got you flying forgetting yesterday
maybe it's crazy
but keep getting stoned while you can
(oh baby) in the lord's hands (arms?)
you can be whatever you want when you're high
walk slowly with a spirit by your side
(oh baby)
don't fear if you lose your mind
say how you doing boy I'm feeling fine
when something carries me away
hey hey hey hey....
don't stop taking these drugs
cuz' they got you flying forgetting yesterday
maybe it's crazy
but keep getting stoned while you can
(oh baby) in the lord's hands (arms?)
you can be whatever you want when you're high
walk slowly with a spirit by your side
(oh baby)
don't fear if you lose your mind
say how you doing boy I'm feeling fine
when something carries me away
你说的是李欣吧,正宗北京人,他因为解说自由度太高,在北京体育台呆不下了,就跑到新浪担任网络解说员。 所以解说有偏袒也不奇怪了
那个是网站上设置的,不是你自己能取消的。就像电视上在放广告,你取消不了,只能选择不去看。 另外确实觉得不舒服,你可以在浏览器中设置,禁止flash插件。但是结果是那一块会变成一个白的方块,感觉更难看。
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